How to Deal with the Truth

I’m going to take a moment here to answer a couple of questions about the book.

“Is it possible for me to buy a paper copy directly from you?”

If you have specific circumstances that make it difficult to deal with Amazon, please feel free to e-mail me explaining the situation. I’m happy to see what I can do, but I can’t get into the business of selling and shipping copies myself. It’s just not practical. If you look at my store page, you’ll see that I’ve stopped offering signed copies of my Basic Instructions books outside of the US. International shipping has become much more expensive.

“How is the book doing?”

Without getting into specific numbers, the book is doing better than I had any right to ever expect. Reader feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. My book is Amazon’s  #4 best seller in, “Magic & Wizards fantasy, and #25 in Kindle books, “Science Fiction/Adventure.”  I’m Amazon’s #83 ranked author for Kindle Science Fiction (Ray Bradbury is #71, William Gibson is #99). Financially, while I won’t actually see a dime for another couple of months, on paper I’ve made what a first time author could realistically expect for their advance (which is often the only money an author ever sees).

“Will there be a sequel, and when?”

I’m working on ideas for the next book. I plan to start actually writing it in May. I’ll keep you posted.

"Is there anything you’d do differently?”

Yes. I regret not getting a professional copy editor, and plan to on the next book. Those who have helped me ferret out the typos in the book have done a great job, but I have a superhuman ability to generate typos.

This has been an amazing experience, and it’s just getting started. I’m grateful to all of you who have helped, whether you read the sample, bought a copy, left feedback, or told your friends.  Thanks again!

Oh, and thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (USUKCanada).