How to Soothe Hurt Feelings

Today marks the end of Snakehead Games' (makers of the MMOs Star Pirates and Spy Battle 2165) sponsorship of this site. I hope you'll all join me in thanking them. They seem like a great group of people, and have been nothing but pleasant to work with.

On a more negative note, I started removing the sponsorship ads and putting back the traditional internet banner ads this morning. The first ad that popped up was an auto playing video ad, and I just said "enough".

I've replaced the ads with banners for Amazon. A couple of them are pretty generic at the moment, but in time all of them will be ads for specific items I personally endorse or use. As always, anything you purchase after clicking on the ads, or my affiliate links (USUKCanada) will send a small sum of money my way without costing you a dime. 

Thanks for your continued patience and support.